The download starts off with an overview of both the pass & the pinky count, Doug tips the works on his handling's clearly & insightfully as well as respectfully crediting.
To fuel our own creativity, we now go into a few of Doug's tricks - which of course use the pinky/pass power tool!
First up, it's 'Coincidice' - four dice are introduced & distributed between three specs, each spec rolls their die/s with a number of corresponding cards dealt between each throw. When the dealt cards are revealed they're shown to match the rolled number. With a grasp of the pinky/pass mechanics you'll be performing this in no time. It's a direct & connecting plot, perfect for a parlour act.
Doug also offers a follow up trick called 'Fortunate' which simulates the previous but serves to produce a four of a kind. This is a nice addition that again rewards the spec & allows you to make a smooth transition into a four of a kind effect. With some thought towards presentation, these two tricks could allow you to present an intriguing spec-pleasing parlour routine themed around dice, for me this is worth the asking price alone.
..So I was even more excited when Doug went into an impromptu version 'Random Specificity', as an on the fly card guy, this suits my style perfectly & nicely replaces the previous method I was using!
Next up is 'Magic Spell' - produce a four of a kind, fairly cut them back into the pack & then locate through spelling. I felt this item was a little flat, none the less there are ideas here which you'll benefit from, but as an effect I was left wanting more.
We're back on track with 'Legendary Ace Cutting' - here is Doug's approach to Scarne's timeless ace cutting demonstrations. Involved is an underused positioning technique & a no messing procedure, the final ace can even be cut to by a spectator.
'An Artistic Application' is the most commercial effect taught & will probably be the highlight for many. I can see this becoming a table hopper's favourite & as I very slowly edge into effects which aren't achieved in a purist fashion (an untampered deck) I can safely say this has landed amongst the rare gems which make my extremely selective 'gaffed repertoire'.
You seem to be very professional in the way you write.::’~* jav english subtitles