9 Apr 2011

Deception Vol.1, Dave Forrest

Dave Forrest has always been one of my favourite producers in our art, his magic really is (as the DVD covers states) 'bursting with ingenious concepts, astonishing routines, devious moves and diabolical gaffs', if your not familiar with Dave's work, I would highly recommend you check out his site - link at the bottom.

I have a lot of highlights from this DVD as there's a lot of good stuff to be learnt, lets begin with the moves! 'R.S.M.S' (riffle shuffle multiple shift) is a very nice, natural control which can be burned! 'Don't Blink' is a cool open colour change, this looks good but the handling (although not difficult) is a bit angle sensitive making it more of a magician move than something for workers, but still worthy of learning. Dave's 'Whirligig Control' is a neat move which is so discrepant yet so deceptive! - you'll be using this move!

On to the routines, starting with 'One', this has been a show piece of Dave's for a long time - a single playing card is named which matches a prediction card (and the only card) in the card case. This really is a strong fooling effect with a smart method, perfect for an opener.

'Matrix' is a very visual effect where you draw an 'X' in each corner of a signed card, one by one you cause them to assemble in one corner creating a nice souvenir for the spec. The method consists of a few basic colour changes and some additional cards, so for little effort you get a very visual commercial effect with a quick reset, can't complain!

'Discarded' is Dave's take on a Bannon routine, a card is lost in the deck, spec chooses red or black aces (let's assume red), these are lost in deck too to find selection, upon spreading the deck the red aces have changed into black aces and the tabled aces are now the red ones which have captured the selection. A really magical effect for laymen and simple to do, thumbs up!

'Dali' is a memorable way to hand out your business card. Essentially you remove a drawing from the back of your business card. Again, simple but effective!

'Spectre' is a beautiful card to box effect. There is a gimmick, but it's so 'diabolical' you'll be grinning like a Cheshire cat! Awesomeness.

'Problem Solved' is a brilliant approach to the Hofzinser ace problem. The method is something you'll need to play around with a little but on the whole this is a very direct and workable effect, I really like this one.

S.C.T.A (spec cuts the aces) is probably in my top three effects for this dvd, very fair, convincing and workable, thumbs up!

That's it for my highlights, I did also like 'Mentholism' (card to inside tic-tac box) but it doesn't suit my style though in the right hands this could be a great closer.

So you've heard what I did like, how about what I didn't. 'One more thing' - four kings lost in the deck are then found in impossible locations. This isn't a terrible effect by all means but I just felt there were elements which could have been improved. 'Piccalilli' is a sandwiching effect with two cards which has some nice ideas method wise but I found the plot to be a bit illogical, I'd like to see this with a coherent presentation.

Overall this is a great dvd with lots of fresh ideas to keep you busy - looking forward to volume two! Recommended. 

Available at http://www.full52.com/

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